How to have more signal on your mobile phone at home?

14 May 2020

Despite the technological evolution, many Romanians still complain that they do not have a signal on their mobile devices, especially at home. Thus, we reach the annoying and almost paradoxical situation in which we have a smartphone of thousands of lei, but we can not use it at full capacity due to interference or interference.

Most often, they are caused by the thickness of the walls of the house or the lack of antennas in the area. Therefore, we are talking about external causes, which disappear once we go out on the street, but which are quite unpleasant when we use the phone at home.

In these conditions, what is to be done? We decided to present you the answer of the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world, as it appears on the official website.

"The problem you face with your smartphone may have to do with the poor quality of the signal or the range of the network," reads the South Korean company's answer to the question that grinds hundreds of thousands of Romanians.

Next, there are five solutions:

1. Choose an open space. If the other person does not hear you very well or vice versa, it is advisable to check the number of signal bars on the screen of your smartphone. If they are not "full", we recommend that you move to an open space in the house, for example on the balcony or in front of an open window.

2. Restart the phone. Another solution is to reset the phone, to allow it to reconnect to the network operator, whether we are talking about Orange, Vodafone or Telekom. The logic behind this action is that, once restarted, the smartphone could get a stronger signal.

3. Manually select the network. If this option doesn't work either, try accessing the Mobile Network settings and, instead of letting your smartphone automatically select the right one, choose to select it manually. For most Samsung phones, the path is as follows: Applications -> Settings -> Multiple networks -> Mobile networks -> Network operators -> Select operator.

4. Change the settings. Another solution to improve the signal of your mobile phone at home (and not only) is to switch from LTE / 4G to 3G WCDMA, 2G GSM or simple 2G, when the first of these signals is weaker. This can be done by following the path Applications -> Settings -> Multiple Networks -> Mobile Networks -> Network Operators.

5. Do not cover the antenna. Last but not least, you have to be careful that the main antenna of the smartphone you use is not covered, both when you are called and when you call or talk.

To prevent this situation, you need to know where the antenna is located (usually on the back of the phone, at the bottom) and do not cover it either with your hand or with metal objects, such as keys or others.

Therefore, if in the future you will face such a rather annoying problem again, you will know which are the options you should try before "blaming" the phone manufacturer.